Sunday Eucharist Services:
10am (with music)
Last Sunday of Month Rite 1 Service
Sunday School:
10am - Nursery & Elem
Bible Study:
Wednesday's - 9:30am - 11am
Sunday Lessons For January & February
January 5th - Second Sunday After Christmas
January 12th - First Sunday After The Epiphany
January 19th - Second Sunday After The Epiphany
January 26th - Third Sunday After The Epiphany
February 2nd - Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
10am (with music)
Last Sunday of Month Rite 1 Service
Sunday School:
10am - Nursery & Elem
Bible Study:
Wednesday's - 9:30am - 11am
Sunday Lessons For January & February
January 5th - Second Sunday After Christmas
- Jeremiah 31: 7-14
- Ephesians 1: 3-6, 15-19a
- Matthew 2: 113-15, 19-23
- or Luke 2: 41-52
- or Matthew 2: 1-12
- Psalm 84 or 84: 1-8
January 12th - First Sunday After The Epiphany
- Isaiah 43: 1-7
- Acts 8: 14-17
- Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22
- Psalm 29
January 19th - Second Sunday After The Epiphany
- Isaiah 62: 1-5
- 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11
- John 2: 1-11
- Psalm 36: 5-10
January 26th - Third Sunday After The Epiphany
- Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10
- 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a
- Luke 4: 14-21
- Psalm 19
February 2nd - Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
- Malachi 3: 1-4
- Hebrews 2: 14-18
- Luke 2: 22-40
- Psalm 84
- or Psalm 24: 7-10
- Isaiah 6: 1-8, (9-13)
- 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11
- Luke 5: 1-11
- Psalm 138
- Jeremiah 17: 5-10
- 1 Corinthians 15: 12-20
- Luke 6: 17-26
- Psalm 1
- Genesis 45: 3-11, 15
- 1 Corinthians 15: 35-38,42-50
- Luke 6: 27-38
- Psalm 37: 1-12, 41-42